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These grasses provide food for a variety of songbirds, as well as for key moth and butterfly caterpillars. But they also serve as the perfect backdrop for wildflowers and other plant species.
Bouteloua gracilis - Blue Grama
Andropogon gerardii - Big Bluestem
Andropogon ternarius - Splitbeard Bluestem
Andropogon virginicus - Broomsedge
Bouteloua curtipendula - Side-oats Grama
Carex annectens - Yellow-fruited Sedge
Carex blanda- Common Wood Sedge
Carex brevior - Plains Oval Sedge
Carex bushii - Bush's Sedge
Carex eburnea - Ivory Sedge
Carex grayi - Gray's Sedge
Carex molesta - Troublesome Sedge
Carex muskingumensis - Palm Sedge
Carex radiata - Straight-styled Wood Sedge
Carex shortiana- Short's Sedge
Carex stricta - Tussock Sedge
Chasmanthium latifolium - Creek Oats
Diarrhena americana- American Beakgrain
Diarrhena obovata- Beak Grass
Elymus hystrix- Bottlebrush Grass
Eragrostis spectabilis - Purple Lovegrass
Juncus effusus - Common Rush
Juncus interior - Inland Rush
Juncus torreyii - Torrey's Rush
Koeleria macrantha - Junegrass
Schizachyrium scoparium - Little Bluestem
Sisyrinchium albidum- White Blue-eyed Grass
Sporobolus heterolepis - Prairie Dropseed